Jardín de Raíces Comunitarias

Community Roots Garden

A whole acre of rich Oxnard soil. A bunch of caring people.Todo un acre de rico suelo de Oxnard. Un montón de gente cariñosa.

Volunteers Keep this Garden Growing

 The garden thrives with dedicated and consistent volunteers. Please see our volunteer tab to learn more about how you can contribute to the garden.

 About the garden

The Mission. The mission of the Community Roots Garden is to: 

The Team.  The garden is lead by a team that includes experienced volunteers as well as part-time community coordinators help keep the garden active.  Volunteers help keep the garden growing and tend to the soil.  We still continue inviting different collectives, groups, circles, and organizations to share space within the garden. Both of us are investing more time in continuing to create an intentional space that is for all communities including communities that have historically been marginalized.  This includes specific outreach to farmworker, BIPOC, and LGBTQ+ communities.

The Culture.  When we work locally and collectively, towards having the right mindset needed for wholesome growth and connection with all people. All this happens in efforts to improve the entire ecosystem of our lives. Nothing is impossible, the so-called impossible just takes a little longer

To learn more about the history of Community Roots Garden, please visit our "Community" page. 

Focculose Ink cap

Mycelium Network (as a visual of all the work it takes for communal growth and sharing of resources and abundance because we tener get stuck on the surface level of growth: flowers, trees, etc.) 

Old beans full of Mold (as a visual that we mess up too..) But we recognize that both fungi and mold are instrumental in making nourishment and medicine (penicillin made from Mold for instance).

The Garden's two coordinators

 Check out our Instagram for the latest updates or send us an Instagram message!